
What is Exam Bank?
Exam Bank is a resource for Alberta students that can be accessed from home at any time.
It was originally set up to help students prepare for Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) and Provincial Diploma Exams (PDEs), but has been expanded to offer online study resources in academic subject areas.
Exam bank enhances student learning experiences by giving students the opportunity to write randomized practice exams that relate to the curriculum they are studying. It helps students practice and review what they have learned, and prepare for exams.
How can I access it?
Northern Lights Public Schools has purchased a number of logins to allow our students to access this service for free.
Your child’s school or classroom teacher will be able to provide you with a username and password that will allow your child to access the Exam Bank.
Please do not share the username and password you are given. Northern Lights is charged a fee for each login and the division would like to ensure as many students as possible are able to access this valuable service.
Once you have a current login, you can log on at alberta.exambank.com.
Tips for Use
* Please plan for enough time to complete an exam. Opening an exam for even 30 seconds uses up a login. If you stop writing and restart later, that uses up an additional login.
* Talk with your child to determine what exam is appropriate for them to write, or is the best fit with the courses they are taking.