CLMS Re-Entry Information

As we begin the 2020-21 school year we realize that in-person schooling is going to look very different. Many parents have questions about what school will look like and how it will operate. The following FAQ document is designed to help communicate information to you and hopefully give you a picture of what the school will look like as we enter these very different times.
Cleaning at the School
- Custodial staff will be cleaning all high touch surfaces frequently throughout the day. This includes door handles, water fountains, toilets, and sinks.
Social Distance as Much as Possible
- Teachers will set up their classrooms so there is as much social distancing as possible
- At recess, there will be designated areas outside that each grade can play.
- Lunch will continue to be flipped and in the homerooms to decrease the number of students gathering and when outside.
- Posters have been posted throughout the school to remind students and staff to socially distance, not share food or items, and to sanitize hands regularly.
Arriving at School
At arrival, students will be asked to play in the designated area and wait for the morning bell and staff to allow their entry. Students will enter and exit the school through their designated entrance. We have 4 entrances at the school:
- The BUS entrance will be for Grade 4 & 5 students and will be staggered.
- The Mini BIKE RACK entrance (closest to Mrs. Cusson's office) across from the playground equipment is the Gr. 6 entrance.
- The SHOP entrance by the covered basketball area is the Gr. 7 entrance.
- The BIKE RACK entrance near the bus lane is the Gr. 8 entrance.
Once students enter the school each day they will go directly to their homeroom.
To prevent congestion in the hallways we will not be having students use lockers this year. Students will keep their belongings in their classroom or in a designated area established by the teachers.
Cohorting of Students
- Students will remain as a homeroom cohort in their homeroom for all instruction. Teachers will change classrooms to instruct students, students will not change rooms.
- Students will eat their lunch in their homeroom.
- Every student will be assigned a Chromebook to use for the remainder of the school year; students will not have to share their Chromebook with anyone else.
Masks and Hand Sanitizer
- Students will be required to wear a mask at all times when they are riding the bus, walking in hallways, and in all common areas. Teachers will decide on mask use in the classrooms when they are unable to social distance.
- If students are sitting at their desks, working by themself or listening to the teacher explain a lesson then they can remove their mask.
- There will be hand sanitizer at the entrance to each classroom. Students MUST use the hand sanitizer every time they enter or exit the classroom. The teachers will do the same.
- Hand sanitizer is located at the entrances to the Learning Commons, Gym, Main Office, and all entrances.
NO Sharing of Food or Drink
- Students need to bring their own water bottles to use. These can be refilled at the water filling stations at the school.
- Students MUST NOT share any food with other students. At this time, concession items and hot lunch will be distributed to each homeroom.
- There will be no CASH accepted at the concession, parents can pre-order hot lunches on SCHOOL CASH or send cash to buy MILK or CONCESSION CARDS.No MICROWAVES-student will be unable to heat their lunch at school.
Extracurricular Sports
Until November, all of the middle schools in Northern Lights Public Schools will not be having tryouts, practices, or games for any of the extracurricular sports such as cross country and volleyball. Closer to November we will reassess participation in extracurricular sports.
Parents and Visitors to the School
- We ask that all parents and visitors to the school please use the entrance located by the main office.
- Upon entering the school, you will be required to use hand sanitizer, wear a face mask, and complete the AHS COVID assessment document.
- To ensure that our custodial staff can work to clean and sanitize the school and have it ready for the next school day, no outside user groups will be allowed at this time.
Responding to Illness During the Day
- If your child becomes ill during the day, you will be contacted to come to pick up your child immediately.
- Children will be removed from the classroom once symptoms are identified and be separated from others.
- Please ensure you have alternative plans if you cannot come to pick up your child.
The staff of Cold Lake Middle School will be doing everything possible to ensure the safety of your child. If, after reading this document, you have some questions or concerns please call Cold Lake Middle School at 780-594-5623, and Mrs. Cusson or Ms. Moore would be more than happy to talk with you.